Nourish Sessions

Sarah Crawford, Sitawi Life Coaching, LLC

Sensitivity & Your Gifts, “I Desire” Experience, Morning & Evening Rituals for Your Rhythm

You have a piece that is uniquely yours to contribute to the mosaic of humanity and with honest, sustainable support structures in place, your light can shine as bright as it was designed to. In these sessions, you will be invited to connect inward, open your heart, embrace your gifts more deeply and envision what it will look like to create space every day to support your highest expression in the world. This experience will bring clarity to what you truly want in life so that you can continue to give generously, as a servant leader, from a place of abundant personal fulfillment. Sarah Crawford is the visionary and host of this retreat and will be providing several workshops as well as the opening and closing sessions.

Session Times: Friday, April 30 at 6:30pm, Saturday, May 1 at 9am, Sunday, May 2 at 12:15pm

Tina Schuelke, Owner, CEO of Change Management

Communicating with Empathy + Boundaries

Explore how empathy can be the structure to communications and establishing boundaries.  It’s true—highly sensitive people are genius in establishing boundaries, although it takes some intention and focus to know, decide, and effectuate what you are walling in and what you are walling out.  Tina will share some of her tried and true practices and tools that give communication and boundaries a healthy place in your life.  If you are up for a pre-retreat assignment, Tina encourages you to read The Mending Wall, by Robert Frost to inspire you to contemplate what boundaries mean to you. If you want to go deeper, another question to ask yourself is, “What do I think boundaries mean for others?”

Session Time: Friday, April 30th at Noon CST

Zubin Sherring, Director of Clairvoyant Center of Chicago

Calm & Grounding: Deepen Your Relationship with Intuition

Your intuition is your inner navigation and can be grounded. In this workshop learn to ground and experience in a way you may never have. We will discuss, experience, and play with some tools to bring you into present time with your intuition and your intuition with you. You will let go of past time energy and replenish with your own nourishing energy.

Session Time: Friday, April 30 at 2pm CST

Mother Nature

Mother Nature is graciously available to hike in, forage from, dream on, journal in, play on, nap in or to just simply breathe and be with. Putting your bare feet on her surface naturally shifts and balances the electrical state in our body which helps us to self-regulate and heal, reduce inflammation and get better sleep Mother Nature also supports our nervous system to deactivate the fight or flight response and return to a state of calm. Take a foraging worksheet with you and see if you can spot these three wild edible & medicinal plants: Dandelion, Broadleaf Plantain, Wood Violets! There will be 2 hours on both Friday and Saturday afternoon (or pack your dinner and make it 3 hours) to spend in nature at a place of your own choosing. This time can also be used receiving spa or healing services at a discounted rate with one of our practitioners from the services list below.

Session Time: Friday, April 30 from 3:30-5:30pm CST AND Saturday, May 1 from 3-5pm CST

Holly Tuyls, Holistic Money Coach at Queen of Coins Holistic Money Coaching & Yoga Instructor

Restorative Yoga

Feel deeply supported as you sink into your body and your breath. Experience your natural ability to receive what is needed and to release all that no longer serves. A solid space to hold you as you surrender fully into the now moment, where all of your love and power reside.

Session Time: Friday, April 30 at 8pm CST

Healing Your Relationship with Money

A gentle space to learn simple, concrete tools that support growth and transformation in your relationship with money. Lovingly examine and address the mental, emotional, and energetic patterning that may be hindering your natural abilities as a conscious creator of wealth and abundance.

Session Time: Saturday, May 1 at 10:30am CST

Claudia Gehlhaart, RN, CHTP Owner of Body in Evolution

Awaken your Energy Body (morning), Finding Your Center (midday), Preparing for Rest (night time)

In these energy medicine mini sessions (approx. 45 min ea.) you will experience easy and immediate techniques to impact your energy systems for different purposes. All are excellent self-care methods.  As you learn the components of these energy exercises, you can mix and match and get a feel for the effects individually in your own body. It is helpful when learning them, to try them all for a week or two to get familiar with each, and then plug them in as you need and desire. Valuable tools for a lifetime! Especially for sensitive bodies and deep feelers!

Morning: As we get our day going, you can stimulate and set the tone for clear thinking, supporting immune function, boosting metabolism, and getting your energies humming.

Midday: At midday, during a busy life, we can return to our center, get “reset” into clear thinking, and feeling more grounded as we move further into our day.   These are helpful for “overwhelm” energies, focusing our attention, calming our mind, and are simple, quick self-care (any time of the day).

Night: As we prepare for rest or sleep, there are a few simple things we can do to calm and smooth our energies.  They may also be used for our little ones, to help them settle in and are calming to the nervous system.  Both exercises soothe an over-active mind, helping us to settle, and shed the excess stimuli of the day.

Session Times: Saturday, May 1 at 8:15am CST, 2:15pm CST, and 7:15pm CST

Megan Normansell, CHC, CFH, AADP Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Certified Family Herbalist, and Holistic Nutritionist, Owner of Aayus Holistic Health Services

The Energy of Food with Megan Normansell

Is this really hunger or do I need boundaries? Learn to tune into the energy of food and the subtle cues of your body so that you can begin to read the communication your body is giving you through cravings. Megan will share her holistic version of the traditional “food pyramid” as well as a unique approach on how to understand and give your body what it truly needs nutritionally. As you counter balance the yin with the yang of food (Yes, that dual nature of energy is present in food, too!) your energy will feel more grounded, vibrant and consistently able to support all you are up to with your life.

Session Time: Saturday, May 1 at 1pm CST

Kimberly Resch, Best Selling Author, International Award Winning Filmmaker, Shaman, President of Conscious Content

The Unfoldment of Our Gifts

Since the beginning of 2020, people’s belief systems have been challenged to the core, old wounds are surfacing as our foundations are cracking. We’re being pushed to our limits and realizing that the world that we knew has completely changed. Now is the time for enlightening self awareness, as we understand it now to be called “the unfoldment”. It’s literally asking the questions to access the answers that provide the deep dive journey required to find the core frequency and clear it with understanding and full release. Healing doesn’t have to be painful, it can simply be a miracle.

Kimberly will provide a mental health toolbox to reconnect with ourselves so we can connect to others. She will be educating about the brain and it’s necessary functioning and why some modalities may work better than others. She will include an exercise or two for your own experience. This is where we can truly heal, find the sun again, and can offer support to those in need once we are filled up. The grateful moments inside living these experiences are where we become capable of giving on a remarkable level; where we know that we are not alone. 

Click to watch her film. Click to purchase her ebook, hardcover or softcover book.

Session Time: Saturday, May 1 at 6pm CST

Jenn Shull of The Bold Thing, Ontological Coach and Certified Yoga Teacher

Gentle/Restorative Yoga

This is a restorative yoga class with gentle elements added throughout. As in traditional Restorative Yoga, poses are held for several minutes, fully supported by props (bolsters, blankets, blocks), allowing you to find a meditative state to relax the mind and body.  Nearly all postures are on the ground, which will allow the body to rest, relax and rejuvenate without any demands on the muscles.  Slower paced, less strenuous, GentleYoga movements will be incorporated throughout the practice to revitalize and restore your body, calm the mind, gently increase energy, and reduce stress. 

Session Time: Saturday, May 1 at 8pm CST

Matthew Kimmeth, E-RYT500, YACEP, Owner of The Fitness Firm

Vitality Vinyasa Yoga

Hold off on breakfast and start your morning with YogaMatt’s Vitality Vinyasa Yoga. Explore connecting to your energy through movement, breath, and focus. Join us and cultivate vitality and functionality within your body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy a long Shavasana before breaking for a mindful morning meal.

Session Time: Sunday, May 2 at 8am CST

Joy Jordan, Mindfulness Teacher at Born Joy

Meditation: Connection to ourselves, each other, and the earth

Daily life is busy and complex. We can forget that we belong. We belong not because of our achievements or doings, but because we exist. We are inherently lovable and worthy. Meditation helps us dip below the mind chatter and connect to our bigger awareness. Loving-kindness practice helps us heal ourselves and heal the world. This session is a sacred space where we all remember that we belong.

No meditation experience necessary. Show up as-is!

Session Time: Sunday, May 2 at 10am CST

Maggie Sharar, Artist at Infinite Rebirth

Beginner’s Watercolor: Trust Yourself

In this class we lean into mistakes and create art through organized chaos. Beginner’s Watercolor is a class for the creative muse within to learn the fundamentals of watercolor and design. We will cover some of the rules and elements of design as well as watercolor techniques. But perhaps one of the most potent lessons you will learn is that creativity is born through mistakes and accidents.

Session Time: Sunday, May 2 at 11am CST

Ready to join us?

Spa & Healing Service Add-ons {in-person or virtual}

Inspire Spa {In-Person Services}

  • Receive a Retreat Gift Bag + 20% off Massage, Reflexology, Scalp & Skin Treatments, and Waxing Services at Inspire Spa in Appleton, Wisconsin from April 26 – May 31, 2021! CLICK HERE TO BOOK – use Coupon Code NOURISH for discount.

Heart~Centered Healing & Holistics {In-Person Services}

  • Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and/or Craniosacral Therapy from Donna Reynolds at Heart-Centered Healing & Holistics in Appleton. Offered at reduced cash price of $60 per session + gift. TO BOOK: email or text 920-850-6085. Visit her website for details on each service.

One Love Wellness Center {In-Person or Virtual Services}

  • Shamanic Energy Healing Session with Heather Hope of One Love Wellness Center in Appleton. Receive 33% off all services booked during retreat or in the month of May 2021. CLICK HERE TO BOOK or email Use Coupon Code 33%OFF for discount.

Gavia Massage & Somatic Movement {Virtual}

  • Clinical Somatic Movement Sessions with Jen Banowetz of Gavia Massage & Somatic Movement. TO BOOK: Text 715-209-2825 or CLICK HERE to book online. 20% off somatic movement sessions the week prior to and after the retreat.

Body In Evolution {Virtual}

  • Yuen Method Distance Healing from Claudia Gehlhaart of Body-In-Evolution. $30 discount on 75-minute sessions booked during retreat or in the month of May 2021. TO BOOK: email