3 Ways to Hear Your Inner Guidance More Clearly

1. Slow Down.  Be willing to be still.  Put structures in place to address the busy-ness.  If you find yourself going from one thing to the next constantly and to exhaustion, it may mean you are under-supported in key areas.  Or it may mean something altogether different.  You might even, subconsciously, be trying to drown out the whispers of your soul on purpose.  Why, Love?  What is that about?  Pretend you are an archaeologist, see what you can uncover under the surface of the busy-ness.  This may require feeling some previously unfelt feelings or therapeutic work to deal with what the busy allows you to avoid in your life.  Bottom line:  We can’t hear our soul when we are too busy going from one thing to the next.  (Pandemic note:  Yet still possible, increasing our support structures may be more challenging than ever right now, but it’s a great time to make note of anything that was not working in your life previously, that you can build differently in the future). 

2. Ask It & Listen.  We are all connected to each other, and something greater than us, in miraculous and mysterious ways.  Some of us may call this God, the Universe, or Oneness.  Perhaps you define it as Spirit or Source or even your Angel Guides.  Or maybe it is simply your intuition, or gut; your inner knowing/inner guidance/inner wisdom.  That small, still Soul voice that gently nudges in whisper form.  However you define it, there is “A Something” that can be heard when we take the time to listen and check in with direct questions.  Practice choosing a question to ask your soul in the morning, when the mind is relaxed and the subconscious is open, such as How can I be of the most service to myself and others today?  Or God, what would you have me do today?  Or What do I need to know that I have been too busy to hear, but would help me immensely?  What do I need to pay more attention to so I can feel less stuck and more in flow with life around me?  Then wait for the response.  It may be clear as day and immediate.  Or it may come in the form of imagery or symbols.  Or your soul may deliver what you next need in another creative way throughout your day (watch for signs!).  You may hear nothing at all…at first.  Like anything, repetition and practice will lend clearer results.  If a simple ask and listen is not yielding much, try pen and paper and begin free writing after you ask.  You might be surprised at what shows up in front of you!

3. Take Action.  The more you let Soul guide you, the more you will be guided.  Taking action on what you hear is perhaps the most challenging part, and may require a level of surrender.  It will definitely take some trust.  (It may actually take throwing a mini temper tantrum at first because you do not want to do what it says or are scared.)  Where your inner wisdom is guiding you may not always make sense to your logical brain and you may question if you heard it accurately.  Here is where we need to lean in to courage, practice trust and move forward anyway (emphasis on MOVE).  Just like a GPS, if you are wrong, it is ok, you will be re-routed.  If you never move, you’ll just hear the same instruction or urging over and over in different ways.  That gets annoying after a while and leads to self judgement.  Eliminate the regret AND the illusion that you need to see the entire staircase before you can take the first step.  The thing that makes our soul so effective in guiding us is that it knows more than we do!  It can see a bigger picture than the rational mind can.  It knows what we want and short cuts we can take.  Or the more fulfilling route, even if it seems harder in the moment.  When we let go of what we think we know (or what we think we need), it creates space to allow something deeper to emerge.  Once we take the first step, the next will reveal itself, as we take the time to listen.  Want God’s help to guide you?  Show Him you are ready with your actions.

Sarah Crawford is a life coach in Appleton, Wisconsin. She supports sensitive souls to live authentically. For more content and conversation around embracing your power as a super sensitive, join her Facebook group here.

1 thought on “3 Ways to Hear Your Inner Guidance More Clearly

  1. Nancy pontius

    I love this statement. it really makes me ponder and see a little lighter. Thank you.

    Eliminate the regret AND the illusion that you need to see the entire staircase before you can take the first step. The thing that makes our soul so effective in guiding us is that it knows more than we do! It can see a bigger picture than the rational mind can. It knows what we want and short cuts we can take.


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