What I Mean by “Magic”

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I have a 5 month individual coaching program called Harness Your Magic; Reclaim Your Power and I want to share with you what I mean by “Magic”.

What I mean by Magic is that state of being within yourself…

When you’re aligned, in the flow and creating in 10 minutes what would otherwise take several hours.

When situations and synchronicities occur that are so incredible you can only laugh in gratitude and awe.

When you are so in tune with inner guidance system that life “automagically” unfolds in miraculous ways.

When you are in a state of full trust and surrender to the perfection of the Universe, know in your bones that you loved, lovable and loving and that everything will ultimately turn out for the greatest good…even though you may have no idea how.

When you are in your ebb (rather than the flow) and trust enough in your own process and perfection to allow for this temporary state to be as it is.

When you know deeply that you are an expression of something greater and take consistent action in service of something bigger than you.

When you are connected to your value, your emotions, your unique essence and the incredible contribution you bring and give those gifts freely and receive abundantly in return.

When you are simultaneously sourcing yourself and expressing yourself in a way that is powerful AND sustainable.

When you create and relish in the moments of stillness and celebration for all that is this strange dichotomy of life.

This is what I mean by Magic.

Our planet is under massive transformation right now and I know you feel it.  It’s uncomfortable and in many ways it looks like chaos and turmoil.  And the gifts in it are huge.  It’s people like you and me who have something to contribute, a light to shine, a skill to share and we are being activated en masse.  No longer will our souls stand by and watch this go down in any other way than a return to love.  Not on our watches!  You were born for this.  You came for this.  It is TIME.

If you know there is untapped power and Magic within you and are ready to intentionally do what it takes to access it AND you know you cannot do it alone, I would love for you to consider me as your partner, your guide, your coach in this 5 month intensive program to Harness Your Magic; Reclaim Your Power.

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