2020 Energy Theme & Decade End Journaling

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Today, at 10:19pm CST, marks the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn giving us the shortest day and longest night of the year in terms of daylight. It is not only another year we are wrapping up, but an entire decade, and it has been pivotal. The current energy theme is timely and significant.

(To watch a video of this blog post in my Facebook group, click here.)

According to some of the energy feelers I follow, as well as what I experience happening right now, the current theme is one of releasing attachment to people and situations to whom we have been giving away our power.

Sit with that a minute.

This can be an intense and messy process and if you happen to be experiencing it, you aren’t alone and are well supported energetically to do this.

It could be an addiction, a career you’ve been getting a lot of your personal value and worth from, a boss or person close to you. It’s perfect timing and the perfect theme to support us in the final freeing of our energy and lives for the new decade to come.

It is amazing what we have collectively created in our world over the past ten years. From a high level, we have been paving the way to more clarity and more purpose in our lives.

The Winter Solstice, or the end/beginning of a year, is a great time to spend a few moments in reflection so as to put closure on your year, release residual energy from anything lingering as well as to intentionally call in what you are wanting to bring in to the new year, and in this case, the new decade. I’ve created two journaling prompts below to support a review of the past decade:

Journaling Prompts:

List 10 significant events that have occurred in the last 10 years in your life. These could be major life events, things you’ve accomplished or created, situations you’ve taken on or obstacles you’ve faced.

Noticed how far you’ve come.

Next, make note of the lessons you’ve learned throughout the past 10 years.

When you’re finished, consider doing something to celebrate all that. For a more thorough year-end journaling exercise, click here.

The theme for the upcoming decade, according to author and Empath, Matt Kahn, is Embodiment and Diplomacy. In other words, our Purpose in Action. The past decade has helped us to clear the way so we can do and be that.

A big part of the past decade has been releasing our stuff. It has given our wounds ample opportunity to come to the surface and be healed, and the more we can take advantage of those irritating times, the more we can be connected in our bodies and hearts. I don’t believe we need to be completely healed in order to lead a purpose driven life, but there does need to be a certain level of it, in my experience, so that we can slow down enough to hear our inner wisdom and what it is guiding us to.

Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing more and inviting those who are willing and interested into your next level of self expression and purpose, whatever that looks like for you, as well as shining a light on some pathways to overcoming blocks to it.

In the meantime, Happy Holidays and may your New Year be prosperous and peaceful.


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